Bathing time for baby.... was really an exciting and interesting moment for me. First I thought yeah my Mother-in-law is helping me so I'm fine. Then few days later I got a sore red eye infection and baby has to be put away for a week. By then when she's back my Mother-in-law got the sore red eye! Gosh.... so I am left with bathing baby on my own. First time my hubby was beside me so I'm ok as he reminded me and help me in some way.
Then the next day I was on my own.... alone with baby! I did try my best not to think negatively, so in the end it went well. Not much hassel and baby didn't scream or cry! She just stare at me. LOL...... so I'm doing fine with her. So each and everyday I will slowly try to let her get use to the bath and help her enjoy it as I am planning to teach her swimming later in the months to come.