Every now and then I observe all the living beings in this world and came to realise that we all need LOVE. The world is lacking Love......
There are less people showing and showering Love and more and more people becoming greed, angry, stressed and envy of other people. Where is the Love? Is Money more powerful than love? There are more people suffering these days..... they can be rich or poor no matter, as Love is given not take.
Even kids these days are not as cheerful and gay as before. In the olden days, people are more relax and contented in thier lives. They see the world has a future. They view their lives differently. Now, our world has better technology, our kids are brighter, we have modern houses, but why our lives are not as rich as before? The poor and the rich are all suffereing from Lack of Love! Is it that our world is not a better place like it use to be? Is the world going to end? Are we still preaching for the world's end or are we making it a better place?
Are we destroying our lives, or are we enhancing it?
Are we complaining and blaming or are we lending a helping hand?
Where are our principles of live and order?
Many people are thinking that as long as I manage to live happily then I would not care about the world, as long as everything else works orderly then it will be fine. Well, personally I feel that is a selfish thought. Happiness is not forever, if the people around me are happy I will feel happy too. If they felt being loved, I will be happy too for them. Love is given, not take.
Mother's love is natural, beyond mother's love then that's something we should share.
I vow that I will do my part in this world stage. I will not hide behind doors and do nothing to share this love to the world. I'll play a small tiny role in this world stage and contribute some Love to this world and make it a better place. I've learn that complaining and blaming has no solutions. People knows very well to complain but never help to solve, I will stop complain and start to lend a helping hand. To be able to give is a blessing.
Penang, the Penang Philomatic Union which was founded by Sun in 1908, has embarked on a heritage project to turn its premises at 65 Macalister Road into
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Museum.His undying wish to help the nation has inspired me to start thinking about others and the whole wide world.